

Adding a New Device to Online Sync

If you want to use EasyBooks on more than one device, start by turning on sync from one device as described in "Getting Started". If you already have your business data on more than one device, find which has the most up to date copy of your data. Use this device to start with, so the service receives up to date data. Your other devices will sync to this copy.

After you have Online Syncing turned on in one device, you can add another device easily by following the steps below.

Adding a new device running macOS
  • Download EasyBooks and sign in to your account.
  • It is easier if the second device does not already have a copy of the business stored on it. If it does, back it up first and delete it from the device.
  • You should now see the Add Business screen. Choose to add a new business from Online Sync. You should find your business listed. Select it, then click Create. Wait for the download to complete and the message "Up to date" to appear.
  • If you have more than one business, select Add a business... from the business dropdown and repeat the process.
Adding a new device running iOS
  • Download EasyBooks and sign in to your account.
  • You should find your business listed under the section "Available For Download". Tap it, wait for the download to complete and the message "Up to date" to appear.
  • If you have more than one business, tap Add a new business to list other businesses available from Online Sync.

The service will keep any changes you make on any device in sync with all your other devices.

You can also share access with your accountant.