

How to... (Purchases Screen)

The following describe how to carry out tasks in the Purchases screen.

Enter a new purchase
  1. In the Purchases screen, click add above the list of supplier transactions.

  2. Choose the Supplier.

  3. Set Transaction Type to Purchase, set Account 2 to the appropriate expense account and complete all other details. 

    Note: If you wish, you can split the transaction into separate line items. You can also set the transaction to re-occur automatically at specified intervals. Please see below.

Enter a new credit
  1. In the Purchases screen, right-click the purchase that you want to provide a payment for.

  2. Select Duplicate.

  3. Set Transaction Type to Payment/Credit, set Account 2 to the appropriate expense account (usually the same as the existing purchase) and complete all other details. The Amount should be positive. 

    Note: The text "Transaction Type" is shown in red for a credit.

Delete a purchase

Right-click the purchase and select Delete.

Open an existing purchase or credit transaction
  1. In the Purchases screen, double-click the existing transaction.

  2. If necessary, edit the details.

Generate a PDF sales invoice or credit note (on behalf of the supplier)

Note: The following generates a sales invoices or credit note to you. Most businesses require the supplier to carry out these tasks.

Right-click an existing purchase/credit and select Send Invoice or Send Credit Note, as appropriate. You can print, email or save the PDF as required.

Alternatively, select the existing transaction and press the space bar, or click the Play icon in the thumbnail near the bottom-left corner of the screen. You can also drag and drop the thumbnail to an email compose window, the Finder or other item that accepts PDF documents.

Enter a payment for a specific purchase
  1. Open an existing purchase, as described above.

  2. Click action, followed by Make Payment and complete the details. A tick will appear against the purchase to indicate that you have paid the supplier.

Alternatively, right-click an existing transaction and select Payments > Make Payment.

Access the payment transaction for a specific purchase
  1. Open an existing purchase for which you previously used Make Payment.

  2. Click action, followed by Payments and choose a payment from the list.

Alternatively, right-click an existing payment transaction and select Payments.

Manually mark a purchase as "PAID"
  1. Open an existing purchase, as described above.

  2. Click action, followed by Add tick. A tick will appear against the purchase to indicate that you have paid the supplier. You may want to use this option if you have not used Make Payment.

Alternatively, right-click an existing transaction and select Add tick.

Note: This option has no effect on the amount you owe the supplier. It is provided merely as a visual aid in the supplier transaction list.

Note: You can use Remove tick on the same transaction to remove the tick and the "PAID" mark.

Split a transaction into separate line items
  1. Create a new transaction or open an existing transaction, as described above.
  2. Click add to the right of NEW SPLIT and complete the details. An Add Split option is also available from the action menu.
Create a duplicate of a transaction

A quick method to create a transaction is to duplicate similar existing transaction, as follows:

  1. Open an existing transaction, as described above.
  2. Select Duplicate from the action menu. All details of the original are duplicated except the date.

Alternatively, right-click an existing transaction and select Duplicate.

Set up a recurring transaction

You can set up a transaction to repeat automatically at a specified interval as follows:

  1. Create a new transaction or open an existing transaction, as described above.
  2. Select Make Recurring from the action menu.
  3. In the Repeat field, specify the interval between each transaction (such as every month).

Each transaction generated in the future will be a clone of the first (except the date).

You can prevent the transaction from recurring by setting Repeat to None.

Note: You can view a list of all recurring transactions by clicking Recurring Transactions near the top of the Accounts screen.