

Using the Services Screen

This screen is displayed by clicking Services in the EasyBooks sidebar. The screen lists each service you offer and the sales you have made for those services. The sales include all those to specified customers (which are paid following a sales invoice) and all those that are paid immediately at the time of the sale.

From this screen, you can enter new sales for services and enter any payments you have received.

The screen lists all your services, grouped by the income account that they are linked to.


  • You can click All Service Transactions to list all transactions, or a specific service to list only those transactions that are applicable to the service.

  • Before using this screen, make sure that you have at least one service defined.

What is a service?

A service is a product you sell on a per-unit basis that has no associated asset value. This means that when you sell a service, it does not decrease stock or other business assets. An example of a service may be professional services sold by the hour, or equipment hired on a daily basis.

Services are included in the Best sellers report.

What else can I do?

In addition to the above, you can:

  • Add, modify and delete services.
  • Enter credits, as well as sales and payments.
  • View all sales and credits for a selected service, or for all services.
  • Generate PDFs of sales invoices, delivery notes and credit notes for services.
  • Mark sales as "PAID".
  • Set up recurring sales, payments and credits.
What happens when a sale, payment or credit is entered?
  • Sales: A sale increases your income and the amount a customer owes, but does not affect the balance of the account in which money will be received until a payment is made. Since your income increases, this also affects items such as the Profit and Loss report. 

    Note: For sales or other incomes that are paid immediately and do not need a sales invoice or receipt, it is normal to enter the payment details in the Accounts screen. 

    Tip: You can view and enter sales in several screens, including the following:
  • Payments (from customers): In the context of customers, a payment is an amount of money received from a customer. When you enter a payment, you specify the account (normally a bank account) in which you will receive the income. This allows you to check the payments against, for example, the statements your bank sends you (a feature of double-entry bookkeeping). 

    A payment reduces the amount the customer owes and increases the balance of the account in which it is received, which in turn affect items such as the Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Customer Aged Debt and any adjustments for the cash-based VAT scheme. A payment does not further affect your sales income and therefore other related items such as the Profit and Loss report.

  • Credits (to customers): A credit decreases the amount a customer owes and your income. It has the reverse effect to a sale.

Further Information

For details of how to carry out tasks in the Services screen, please refer to: