

Using the Statements Screen

This screen is displayed by tapping Statements in the EasyBooks menu. From this screen, you can:

  • Create bank or credit-card statements to reconcile transactions in EasyBooks with those that appear in statements sent from your bank or credit-card company.
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  • Create customer statements to remind your customers of the amounts that have been invoiced, credited and paid, and the total amount outstanding.

  • Create supplier statements (for any internal documentation requirements you may have).

About the tabs

Once you have added at least one statement, the screen displays two tabs:

  • Has statements - This lists only those accounts that have statements. The statements are listed under each account name.

  • All accounts - This lists all bank, credit-card, customer and supplier accounts. Use this tab if you want to create a statement for an account that does not already have a statement.

What happens when I add transactions to a statement?

When you move a transaction to a statement, EasyBooks greys out the transaction in other screens such as in the Accounts, Sales and Purchases screens to indicate that you are not able to change key information such as the transaction type and amount.

Further Information

For details of how to carry out tasks in the Statements screen, please refer to: