

Using the Time Tracker Screen

This screen is displayed by tapping Time Tracker in the EasyBooks menu. The screen lists all time recorded against your customers.

EasyBooks will keep track of time you've worked for your customers. And not just you either; you can add any number of people as staff (or "workers"). For each, you can set the billable rates that you work at, for example "Normal" and "On-Call". As you enter time, you simply pick the rate and the app keeps track of the hours worked in each rate.

This is an add-on module for EasyBooks, and not all businesses make money by charging out time by the hour. If you don't, you can turn the feature off completely by editing your main menu.

If you are using EasyBooks on your iPad, you can:

  • Choose the combination of worker and customer.
  • Set up your billing rates in the customer Rate Card.
  • Add new time entries.
  • Turn time entries into sales and invoice your customers.

Note: If you are using EasyBooks on your iPhone, the process is similar. On the iPhone you begin by Choosing a Worker.